Sunday, April 29, 2007


"If you go to a Zen master to learn the Dharma today, do not ask questions. If you do, you will get a stick-hit on the head, which is called "stick-warning". It means that you cannot ask questions, but that you should make yourself understood by yourself."
~Zhuan Falun

This is how I have been feeling already for some time. Whenever I hear people asking questions about life, about their worries and fears, I feel like just hitting them with a stick to the head. Perhaps then they would return to the present moment and stop thinking all that non-sense. Thinking never liberates person, it does just the opposite. Thought is very limited and it is based on person's knowledge. That knowledge is the barrier for awakening. Spiritual "masters" are not here to teach you anything - they are here only to point out that YOU must destroy your knowledge.


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